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11 Aug 2011

How to Hide any Drive using command prompt

Step 1:

Open the command prompt. (start->All programs->accessories->cmd)

Type as


and hit Enter

Step 2:

Now type as

list volume

This will list the available volume.

Step 3:

Now we need to select the drive . so use this command "select volume volume_no"

replace the volume_no in this command with '###' value of drive which you want to hide.

For eg:

I am going to hide the E drive. ### no for E drive is 2. so the command is

select volume 2

Step 4:

Type as "remove letter drive_lettter"

Replace the drive_letter your drive letter which you want to hide.

I am going to hide E drive ,so

remove letter E

Now your drive will be hidden

type "exit" to exit from the Diskpart.

Step 5:

To make your drive to visible

follow the 1,2,3 steps.

then type as "assign letter drive_letter"

Replace the drive_letter with your drive letter.

I am going to make my E drive visible.


assign letter E

Type exit and hit enter to exit from the diskpart

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