This is a simple login program in C. While accepting password it masks each character using ‘*’ symbol and display the password in the next line after the user hits Enter key. It also accepts backspaces and acts accordingly.
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> char pw[25],ch; int i; void main() { clrscr(); puts("Enter password"); while(1) { if(i<0) i=0; ch=getch(); if(ch==13) break; /*13 is ASCII value of ENTER*/ if(ch==8) /*ASCII value of BACKSPACE*/ { putch('\b'); putch(NULL); putch('\b'); -i; continue; } pw[i++]=ch; ch='*'; putch(ch); } pw[i]='\0'; printf("\n\n%s",pw); getch(); }
there is slite mistake when your enter some password and use backspace to remove the earlier one and again write some new password and after you press enter you will able to see both earlier and new password